Academy Swim Team Squads

The Head Coach will determine which squad a swimmer is assigned to and the Head Coach's decision is final. Swimmers will be notified during a training session if they are to be moved to a different squad and handed a slip to notify their Parent or Gaurdian. This will need to be signed and returned to acknowledge the move, change in training times and changes to Fees as this will require the Parent or Guardian to amend their Standing Orders to the Swim Team accordingly.

Learn to swim

Sign up for Swimming Lessons at the Burnham-On-Sea Swim & Sports Academy

The Academy follows the Swim England Learn to Swim Program and once a swimmer progresses through to Stage 8 they can join the Academy Swim Team’s Junior Squad. If a swimmer has done some swim lessons and stages, can swim 2-4 lengths without stopping and has a basic understanding of the 4 strokes, they are also able to come along for a trial and join the Junior Squad.


Children can now train for 2 hours per week as part of this squad and start to progress towards competing at meets and swim team gala's.

If you want your swimmer to complete stages 9 and 10 of the learn to swim program that will need to be booked and paid for separately with the Burnham-On-Sea Swim & Sports Academy

From age 9 swimmers can start to enter team Gala's and Level 3 meets to gain times for events.

Dev 1 Squad

Training increases to 4 hours per week and we start to develop the training commitment and understanding necessary to compete at County level

Eligible for Gala’s and can start entering Level 3 meets to gain times for events

Dev 2 Squad

Training increases to 5 hours per week

Swimmers will now be starting to achieve County qualifying times

Fitness Squad

Once this stage is reached swimmers can push on to County level and beyond. However, if they just love swimming, do not want to compete regularly and just keep fit, then they can move into this squad. Swimmers can still progress from here to the County and Regional Squads.

Training is 3 hours per week plus an optional 45 minutes Spinning session

Swimmers can still enter meets, compete in team gala's and gain times for events if they wish to do so


Training increases to 8 hours per week plus an optional 45 minutes Spinning session

Swimmers will now have started to qualify for and compete at the Somerset County Championships


Training increases to 10 hours per week plus an optional 45 minutes Spinning session

Swimmers will now be training towards qualifying, or have started to qualify for and compete at the South West Regional Championships


Training increases to 14 hours per week plus an optional 45 minutes Spinning session

Swimmers will now be training towards qualifying, or have started to qualify for and compete at National Championships for England, Scotland or Wales


Training is 2.5 hours per week

A Masters Squad member will be over the age of 18 and this encompasses casual fitness swimming through to competing at County, Regional, National and International level