You can now use this website to enter swimmers into upcoming events. Click here to view or download the PDF version of the 'Signing up for a Meet' guide that is further down this page.

The Meet Entry Process

Meet Information

  • AST choose a selection of meets at different levels which we support and attend as a team and these will be sent out to all swimmers.
  • Meet information will be sent out via email from the ASTBOS website so make sure your email address is kept up to date.
  • Within this email there will be details on where and when the meet is, events schedule, and qualifying times. There will also be information about the entry fees and what age the swimmer needs to be, and any other information particular to that meet. It is important to read this information as it will determine whether your swimmer can enter the meet or not.
  • There is a closing date which is very important as we need time to process the entries before sending them off to the meet organiser.
  • Make a note of the Meets with the dates they are taking place and what you have entered so that you know when emails may be sent regarding them.5 2022

What events to Enter

  • Younger Swimmers should enter a variety of events and we encourage them to enter different strokes and distances. We encourage rounded skills so entering an IM is desirable.
  • Please discuss with your coach if you are unsure of which events to enter.

How to Enter

  • All Meets, are entered via the website. You can also check swimmers Personal Best times. There is a guide further down this page to show how to enter meets using this website
  • A list of the proposed entries will be sent to everyone who has entered the meet to check and make sure this is exactly what you think it should be. It is therefore important you keep a note of the meets and events you have entered so you know when to expect these emails.
  • Entries will be sent to the Meet Organisers about 2 to 3 days after this email has been sent
  • Entries after the Meet closing date are usually not allowed by the meet organisers.
  • Changes and extra entries or changes to entries cause a significant amount of work on behalf of the Meet Secretary and the Meet Organisers. It is therefore important you follow the process and make sure you check all the emails.
  • The Meet Organisers send out a list of accepted entries as soon as they can after their closing date. These are then shared with participants as soon as they are in.
  • The warm up and start times have usually been given for the start of the day which will be confirmed. The times for later sessions will be given at this time. So again you need to read the emails sent out.

It is worth pointing out that some meets may have too many entries. The Meet license has to conform to the ASA rules and there are time limits on how long Swimmers and Officials can be on poolside. Computer modelling is used to make sure this is not exceeded, if it is then some swimmers will not be accepted for the meet. This is referred to as “Scratching”. The meet will have a process for this and it is usual for the slower swimmers to be excluded.

Paying for Entries

Once the entries have been confirmed you will be asked to pay the entry fee via BACS to the swim Team account. There is a £5 per swimmer administration cost added to pay for the Coaches passes and their expenses.

Exceptions to the above process

The main events that are different are the National events. Entries are done through the ASA results and rankings website, and payment made at the time.

Signing up for an event

This brings up the entry details. The events come up in the order they are on the programme.

Please note that times have an S for short course time or L for long course time. The file from the meet will search out the swimmers fastest time and convert it to the meet pool length. In this case you might think the times are incorrect but there is a recognised system that converts times between pool lengths. Any queries about times should be directed to Jan Dykes at [email protected].

Please DO NOT try to change times yourself or put in times where there is NT for no times, talk to Jan Dykes at [email protected] or face to face at the pool.

Once entered DON’T FORGET to click Save Changes.

Further information

You will get an email to tell you a meet has been added to the Events list.

You will get an email warning that the meet deadline is 7 days away.

To check a swimmer’s times, go to and enter their Swim England number. If times need updating, please email Jan Dykes at [email protected].

If your swimmer hasn’t swum an event before they may be able to enter with an estimated time, this only applies to a Level 3 or 4 meet. Either talk to your coach or Jan Dykes at [email protected] or face to face at the pool.

You will get an email confirming the races you have entered.

You will get an email telling you when you need to pay for entries, and remember there is an admin charge to cover coaches costs which will be highlighted in the meet information. To start with you will be asked to pay by BACS into the Swim Team account. In future we will ask you to put a Credit or Debit card into the system so payment is easier and quicker.